I am a member of the LHCb collaboration, co-chair of LHCb's upgrade software planning group, and PI of the ERC Consolidator grant RECEPT (http://teamlhcb-lpnhe.in2p3.fr/rubriqueRecept.html). I obtained my PhD at the University of Oxford on sensitivity studies of time dependent matter-antimatter asymmetry (CPV) for LHCb, and I have been on the collaboration ever since, as a postdoc at Glasgow, CERN Fellow, CERN LD, and now CNRS research scientist. I have served in various different roles on the collaboration, most notably as the High-Level Trigger project leader and Deputy Physics Coordinator, and my research interests are described in more detail in my CV.
Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 22 - 1er étage
4 Place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05